onsdag 31 december 2008

Happy new 2009!

This is it my friends, 2008 is almost over. And where did it go?? Well it was a good one in many ways and I hope 2009 will be every bit as good and better!

Celebrate it bravely friends - see you next year!

The gap

I was so happy to see H&M sport models with a gap between their front teeth in their new Spring collection catalogue. I have, as you know, a gap of size myself and always find it nice when appreciated in any way. Click on the picture to see "the gap" more clear ;)

Pictures H&M

Gala Gonzalez

Gala Gonzalez is a spanish chick that works and breathes fashion. She has an awesome homepage where she posts great pictures of herself, a page that I visit alot. It gives great inspiration to a rather less fashionskilled like me. Gala is not only darn great looking herself but has an impeccable sense of fashion. I especially like when she plays with her spanish side, like putting her hair in a flamenco bun in the back.

Pictures from Gala's homepage Click to enlarge

tisdag 30 december 2008

El hombre de arena

It's been a while since I gave a movie tip. I watch alot of Spanish movies to practice my spanish and the last one I watched, last night, is called "El hombre de arena" and was produced in 2007. It sets around 50 years ago or so in a home for "mentally challenged" or simply "crazy" people and tells a story of love and challenges. Might sound like a cliché and it might be, but still worth seeing. I liked it and Hugo Silva just makes one more reason to see it. Don't let the cheesy promotion picture scare you off.

My next project is "Déjate caer". I'll let you know what I thought as soon as I see it.

måndag 29 december 2008

Svar på frågor om mig

Idén är snodd av Alex och frågorna av Blondinbella. Jag låter er härmed lära känna mig lite bättre, om ni nu inte känner mig redan. Håll tillgodo!

Hur många syskon har du?
Tre - storebror, storasyster och lillasyster.

Kommer många fram till dig på stan och säger "det där är ju blondinbella"?
Nä aldrig, vi är inte särskilt lika hon och jag. Men jag ser henne ibland, fast jag säger aldrig sådär till henne.

Bor du hemma eller i din egna lägenhet?
I studentboende.

Berätta om Jombe, Marcel och Gustav!
Konstig fråga, jag känner inga som heter så.

Är/har du varit missnöjd med din kropp eller haft komplex?
Nej jag är rätt het, visst kan kompisarna ibland få höra annat ibland (om mig själv alltså), men det är sällan.

H&M, TopShop...

Vart pluggar du?
Stockholms universitet.

Vad har du för folk som hjälper dig?
Det mesta gör jag själv, annars föräldrarna.

Vad gör du i MUF?
Inte ett skit hoppas jag.

Är du kristen?
Yes box!

Musiksmak och favoritlåt?
Åh, alltid så svår fråga, ändras ganska ofta, men typ en blandning av allt - pop, rock, hiphop, disco, electro...

Storlek i jeans, skor?
27 och 36.

Hur kan du ha så snygg kropp? Tränar du eller vad gör du? =) Kramar Sofia
Tack Sofia, du är alltbra gullig. Jag tränar, ibland, när jag har råd med träningskort eller om jag kan springa ute.

Hur får du ditt hår sådär fint?
Du måste vara den enda som tycker att jag har fint hår. Själv avskyr jag det just nu, behöver klippas och slingas om. Men i stylingväg väljer jag saltvattensprej och VolumeMaster.

Kan du inte visa upp dina absoluta favorit plagg, och var köper du dina grymt snygga romantiska klännigar? :D
Jag bär nog aldrig romantiska klänningar. Sen är ju inte det här någon modeblogg, även om det ibland kommer en bild på något jag har på mig.

Varför sålde du din marc jacobs väska?
Men om jag hade en skulle jag väl inte sälja den heller!

Vilket gymnasium gick du i?
Wargentinskolan i Östersund.

Hur lång tid tar det att skriva ett mellanlångt inlägg i bloggen (komma på ämne, lägga in bild, skriva texten)?
Inte särskilt länge, sisådär tre minuter i genomsnitt kanske. Beror ju lite på om jag har något extra spännande att berätta om eller så.

Hur känns det då du ser alla elaka kommentarer?
Elaka kommentarer? Jag får ju inga kommentarer alls egentligen (känn er träffade läsare.)

Vilken julklapp var den bästa i år?
Allt det där som jag behöver.

Vad tror du att du skulle göra idag om du aldrig skulle ha börjat blogga?
Hehe, ja ungefär samma sak som nu skulle jag tro, bara det att ingen skulle veta om det. Så stor plats har ju inte bloggen i mitt liv att den liksom förändrar mitt livsmönster.

Är du rädd för att folk ska tappa respekt för dig iochmed ditt tv-program?
TV-program?? I wish!

Vad är det roligaste du gjort i ditt liv?
Alla de resor jag gjort och de äckligt galna och härliga perioder jag bott utomlands!

Tror du att man kan bli älskad av någon annan om man inte älskar sig själv?
På avstånd kanske, men det är nog svårt. Folk som inte tycker om sig själva utstrålar en grymt avtändande osäkerhet.

Har du eller har du haft ätstörningar?
Skojar du?! Äta är kanske det bästa man kan göra! OK, det där skulle ju kunna antyda Bulimi, men nej nej, jag behåller allt jag stoppar i mig, år, för år, för år, för år...

Har du hoppat av skolan för att du tjänar så bra på bloggen?
Hahahaha jag önskar att jag tjänade pengar på det här, då kanske jag skulle ha lite stålar i fickan. Och som sagt så har inte bloggen en sådan betydelse att den skulle få mig att hoppa av någonting egentligen.

Vad skulle du välja mellan? Att äta middag och köra en duett till Mamma Mia med din stora idol Agneta Fältskog eller förlora allt ditt smink från favoriten MakeupStore och alla dina pälsar (du får aldrig mer köp nytt)?
Först och främst så är varken Agneta Fältskog min "stora idol" eller MakeupStore mitt favoritmärke på makeup och pälsarna du antyder att jag har måste vara de där pälsstövlarna jag köpte secondhand i Berlin (?) Någon annan päls har jag inte (förutom den jag odlar på benen såhär i vintertid). Vill få det klargjort. Så. Men om jag nu måste välja mellan pest eller kolera så får det väl bli att behålla sminket och stövlarna. Att sjunga duett skulle både Agneta och jag förlora på.

Hej, det skulle vara kul att få veta vad din IQ ligger på! Eftersom du är en sån framgångsrik, ung affärskvinna.
Ja, eh affärskvinna, jag vet inte det jag...men tack. Du kanske tänker på mitt sinne för att hålla min ytterst skrackliga budget. Hur som helst ligger det inte mycket IQ bakom det, inte svårt alls, inte spendera = inte måsta leva som en fattig kyrkråtta (ja typ i alla fall). En gissning såhär på rak arm är väl dock att den ligger på en sådär 150 knyck, kanske.

Vad är det för fel på fuskpäls?
Är det något fel på det? Har jag missat något? Ja annat än att det inte är äkta då.

Har du något mål med livet som du är rädd att du aldrig kommer kunna uppfylla?
Nä inte egentligen, jag gör det mesta jag drömmer om och vill göra istället för att, ja, inte göra det. Men allt har sin tid.

Din assistent Emelie, jobbar hon hel-tid med att vara din assistent?
Återigen vet jag inte vad du snackar om, någon Emelie finns inte, har aldrig funnits och kommer med allra största sannolikhet aldrig att finnas. Jag slutade med låtsaskompisar vid 5 år ålder.

Vad kännetecknar dig?
Det borde du ju egentligen fråga mina nära och kära om, men jag kan väl se mig som äventyrlig, snäll och glad.

Blir du någonsin nervös? Och vad gör du när du blir det?
Ja tjena ja! Jag blir ofta nervös och då ser jag enormt generad och fjårtisaktig ut.

Du har haft många framgångar i år och mycket roligare saker som hänt. Men vad tycker du har varit det allra roligaste/bästa som hänt?
Framgångar och framgångar, tja, jag har lyckats (så när som på) skriva två kandidatuppsatser vilkat inte är helt illa. Plus lite annat. Men det bästa som hänt är nog att jag fått ett alladeles nytt och urgulligt syskonbarn och det roligaste var nog Spanienresan augusti.

Hur gammal var du när dina föräldrar separerade & hur har det påverkat dig?
Mina föräldrar är iallra högsta grad tillsammans fortfarande! Och kom inte och påstå något annat. Du har många felkällor märker jag.

Vad vill du åstadkomma med ditt kändisskap? Eller är det kanske bara det att du vill vara kändis och få uppmärksamhet?
Jag kan inte säga att jag märkt av alls att jag skulle vara känd. Känns ju lite läskigt på det sättet, hur har folk fått nys om mig liksom? Men visst uppmärksamhet vill väl alla ha. Kanske, beror ju på förgående resonemang.

Vem har mest makt; Gud, USAs president eller den enskilda individen?
Är det här en trick question eller?

Vad är din största svaghet?
Ibland tror jag nog inte så mycket på mig själv som jag borde. Och saltlakrits.

Tror du på spöken/vampyrer, eller övermänskliga saker?
Alltså jag kollar serien Tru Blood och börjar nästan tro att det finns vampyrer... Men spöken, nej.

Känner du dig som en glamourös prinsessa?
Nej inte alls och jag uppskattar inte ironin i den här frågan. Tror förresten inte jag skulle vilja känna mig som det heller.

Hur känns det att veta att du är Sveriges förmodligen mest hatade tjej?
... vad... när... Alltså jag tror jag är rätt så älskad. Men om du säger det så... whatever I might have done.

Shopping Östersund

Did a little shoppingtrip to the city today. Alone as it turned out, my sister wasn't feeling on top. I did the round more than once and came back with two t-shirts from BikBok. On sale of course, as alot of things right now after Christmas. But lots of it isn't worth a glance, I get the feeling that they put up old stuff from older seasons that nobody bought.

I was looking for some jewlery, like bracelets and a ring but found nothing. Better so, I can probably find more of what I want in Stockholm. It is after all, alot bigger ;) I didn't stay that long though, it's real cold today, around -12 degrees, brrrr. My small leather gloves didn't help one bit against these polarwinds. But I still prefer this to the "no-snow-cold" in our capital called my home. Any day. And I didn't find that leather jacket I want. I guess it still hasn't reached the outback ;)

söndag 28 december 2008

Trouble concentrating

I was just invited to go to my friend's beach house in Portugal this summer!!!

But right now I have no time to think about that, I have to study... (riiiiight...)...

Head out?

I'm going bananas soon over this job thing. The thing about finding one. I don't wanna stay where I am, it's just not enough, I need a fulltime job. Crisistimes doesn't make it one bit easier of course and I don't know what to do, I apply to lot of jobs. Or maybe I just imagine I do.

My new strategy has to be to think broader, to think abroad. Yep, I think I have to concider the possibility. Not that I don't want to, more that I'm not sure what I want at this point. IF I were to look for jobs abroad it would have to be somewhere where I speak the language. That's my first feeling right now. Second feeling says somewhere I've lived before. That would be Germany and Spain. An option is of course any English speaking country too. But Europe for sure.

I'll have to look into this if nothing changes. But of course I have already looked a bit... ;)

Tomorrow will have to be a study day I fear. On Monday Sister wants to go shopping and so I better do something to deserve it. Not that I have much money to burn. I don't even have a ticket back home yet... :P

lördag 27 december 2008

Learning Swedish?

Jag hitade detta lite roliga test på svensk grammatik för de som lär sig svenska, men det är lika bra för oss som redan talar svenska att prova. Inte så lätt som man tror! Det grämer mig att jag bara fick 68% rätt. Men grammatik har ju aldrig varit min starka sida trots mitt språkintresse, jag lär mig mer på känsla. Men test som detta hjälper att lära sig lite grunder!

Testa dina grammatikkunskaper! And let me know your scores!

Those days

Dark times like these bring forth warm happy memories... I can't wait for my next adventure!!

D and me on the beach in Cádiz

Me with a view of old Cádiz

M and me having an afternoon break in the shade, a café in Madrid

Me, J and I in Granada

Camping on the coast close to Tarifa
Pinchos y cañas, a break from the hot midday sun in Segovia

torsdag 25 december 2008

Christmas day

I didn't get in bed until very late last night (or I was actually in bed but not sleeping). I watched a bunch of The Hills episodes and I got to the season finale. Too bad, now I have to wait for the new season to start and that might take a while. And I'm even on my way to the last available episodes of Tru Blood. What to do, what to do...

Today I'm hanging out at my sister's place and we just got back from taking the kids iceskating. The sun is setting and it's almost dark now. This is the only time of year that I like the darkness, usually it just makes you tired and low. Luckily I now have awesome scents to rub myself with to feel better :)

onsdag 24 december 2008

See ya next year Santa

Christmas eve 2008 is over. Once more it is one year away. I'm getting used to it at this age and it doesn't bother me like it did when I was 7 years old, obviously. We had a great day and an even better evening with lots of food and presents more than we could count.

Here's a selection of the evening.

This was not the whole lot, there was more.

Everybody's favourite, Britta! Adorable in her santa hat!

My dad's gift "for himself" (my mom had to buy it fot him!).
One of the things I got, a pair of gorgeous earrings from Snö. Love 'em!

Merry Christmas from me to you!

tisdag 23 december 2008

White chocolate truffle

I just baked a lot of white chocolate truffles, like these but with red lingonberries. Whoever visits in the next days gets a piece!

The World vs. Emma

I made a map that shows the countries I have been to. It made me realize that, even though I travel alot, I haven't been to that many countries and that I still have so much to discover!

create your own visited country map
or check our Venice travel guide

Coffee time

Christmas keeps rolling, soft but full of life. Now I'm here at my sister's place where we're gonna have more coffee and more sweets :) It never stops this time of the year, the eating. I think another "not" promise of excercising and eating healthy will be needed in January.

Yesterday I got the last shopping done and I feel more or less satisfied. The city wasn't as full of people as I had feared luckily and dad and me could cruise between shops without problems. I wanted to find that jacket at H&M that I know is coming in these days, but of course they didn't have it here in Östersund yet. The small city syndrome ;) I'll have to go check in the next days if they have it, I really want it...

Coffee's ready!

måndag 22 december 2008

Diggin' Agnes

Right now I really dig swedish Agnes and "Release me" - diggi diggi digg!

Decorate tree - check!

Last nite as we decorated the Christmastree, me and my three neices and two nephews. And one finishing picture to show you how much snow we have here :)

söndag 21 december 2008


I'm here. The traintrip was ok, I slept through most of it. It is incredibly beautiful here, loads of snow and more sun than in Stockholm. The house was full of family when I arrived, the best way to be greeted. I am a complete family person and Christmas is one of those times when I absolutely wanna be with family.

We decorated the Christmas tree tonight and I'll put you some pictures as soon as I can. Tomorrow will probably mostly be spent buying the last gifts, even though I do not feel like entering the city at all... Just the thought of all those people...*shivers*. Anyway I need to go to bed to be prepared for a new day FULL of kids and all that they do (ALOT).

I hope you are all having a great start of the holidays out there!

lördag 20 december 2008

My first Christmas present!

The sweet man at my office that always comes in to chat with us gave me this yesterday at work! I also got a gift from my two bosses, a giftcertificate that I can choose where to use, very good idea :) I'm still hoping to get something more on Christmas eve, but even more that my gifts will be well received, it's always so hard to buy them. Now I'm gonna watch another episode of Tru Blood...

Brunch today

The four of us had brunch at Mosebacke today, yumm!L is moving back to Germany and I try to see her as much as I can and we all spent like four hours just sitting there, eating eating eating, drinking obscene amounts of coffee and talking about the world and nothing. Stockholm has no snow but is still pretty at Christmas. And dark already at 15:00.

The result

One of the two photos that I bought the other day. What do you think?

fredag 19 december 2008

Happy birthday

Grattis busungen på 4-års dagen!
Många pussar från faster!

Last working day

Last day of the working week. Do you get it?? Last day!! Tonite party with L who is moving back to Germany. I'll miss her, she's been here for quite a while now, like 1,5 years. Oh well, I have one more friend in beloved Berlin now ;).

I can't wait to go back home to winter wonderland and just be. Ok, I will have to study a bit but it's ok because I'm home :). I long for Christmas food, sweets and my babies, I want the old and rugged mini-santas that lack both hair and bodyparts nowadays. But they have always been there and always have to be. So on Sunday the 21st I will arrive in Östersund at 13:45. I'll see you there!

Model for a day

Yesterday I had a new experience. I got to be a "model". It sounds quite cheesy, and it was. My friend H got an offer through a friend from an event firm called The Studio to "be a model for a day". We would get to do this for free to promote this firm. For free, sure. She invited me and S to go do this model thing.

It took more than four hours. Stylists did our makeup, the hair we had to do ourselves (if you pay like normal people they do that for you too) which kind of ruined the thing. I mean, I can't really "style" my hair any different than usual. I grabbed a curling iron and turned my head into a curl inferno. Oh well. After a little while of waiting in the white leather couches we were called by a photographer who took us to a room full of different settings and backdrops. We had two outfits each and she shot us one after tha other in our different pants, skirts and tops.

The photographing itself was quite fun. The result not so much. We got to sit down and look at eachother's pictures together. None of us were especially impressed but we were offered to buy as many pictures as we liked. We had about 70 photos each to choose from but they were expensive as heck so we bought between 2-4 each.

It was fun even tough the photos didn't exactly turn out well. I guess that might depend on me not being so photogenic rather than the photographer being bad. I'll give you a look soon.

onsdag 17 december 2008

Dinner for me

Sundaydinner with some friends, last night Christmas dinner with friends, tonight potluck dinner with other friends.

I love dinners!

"We just wanna be part of mainstream society..."

I've gotten myself hooked. The object of my interest is now a series. About vampires... Even just the thought is scary. It is scary, the series I mean. But I am hooked. We are talking about "Tru blood". Even the name is scary.

I started this scary journey a few days ago, in the evening, just before bed, alone... Bad idea, I know that I get scared. But I had heard so many good things about this series that I just had to keep watching. Now it's more scary in an exciting way. I want to see the next episode now now now! Being an HBO production the result is rough. But, somehow fascinating. I will keep watching, until the end... moahahahahahaaaa!!

måndag 15 december 2008

My cousin and me

Had a nice dinner with one of my cousins this evening. Thai wok, I love it. She envied me for getting to go north for Christmas, I would too. We talked about travelling and how she just wants to get away for a while. That my friends, gets me going. I talked and talked and talked and talked a bit more. This is my Gebiet, travelling and I will talk about it if I get the opportunity. So we talked.

She wants to learn Spanish and I want to improve mine, so I suggested we take a course together, let's see if we can pull that off sometime soon. But for now we both have smaller trips to look forward to, me the wedding in Italy and she's taking the boyfriend to Rome.

söndag 14 december 2008

Puppy love

I love animals, I always have. But most of all I am a dog person. I love how loyal and intelligent they are, how they make you happy and how cute they mostely are :) I ahven't had a dog in my family for some years now and if I could I would get one myself. Footage like this makes me long for one even more!

Hi, my name is Emma, what's yours?

Wow, my Feedjit (the little map down to the right) tells me I have hits in the USA, in India and even Kuwait! I am curious who you all are out there, feel free to leave me a comment!

Home sweet home á la December 14, 2008

My dad just sent me some pictures he took at home. Home sweet home, soon I will be there!


Despite the stressed out day in town, I woke up on a Sunday morning, weekend, rest, calm, white sheets, coffe... A morning quite like this.

Christmas shoppin'

Hui, what a day! I have been out almost all day, fighting the crowds, ellbowing my way around to buy the christmas presents I have so long hesitated to get. I normally love shopping, but not this kind. When you are, like me, on a stricter than strict budget, this kind of shopping isn't fun. Although I love t give, but you don't want a stupid budget to stop you.

Well anyway, I got ALOT of things and for almost everybody I have to buy for. I think I bursted that budget anyway after all. It was worth it. Even though it means I can't get my hair cut or buy that winter jacket. Man I hope I will find a job next year.

Grattis vännen!

Idag fyller allra bästa A år! Grattis säger jag och skickar många goa kramar!

lördag 13 december 2008


Weekend finally and again. The weeks fly by which of course is both good and bad. I'm excited that it's only one more week before I get to go home to the family but it makes me a bit stressed that I don't have more time to study. So as u can see, everything is like always :)

Last nite we went to I's housewarming party to celebrate and see her great new appartment on Götgatan (noooot jealous...) She pulled out her magic box with "ears" of all kinds and everybody loved them. This is me and M in our cute ears.

Today is of course LUCIA, one of Sweden's biggest Christmas traditions, and me, B and some others are going to see our friend sing with her choir and have some tomtegröt :) I'm excited because this for sure gives you a good Christmas spirit and I need and want that.

torsdag 11 december 2008


B, the american bride to be, wrote this when I told her I'm coming to the wedding:




I do rock.

Crêpes voila!

Another day of ONLY studying. I'm sorry to bore you all, I should write about more fun stuff. Just, there isn't that much fun going on at the moment. I am working and studying paralell and I am lucky to squeeze in something else in the rest of my time.

A time like last nite. I went to N's goodbye-party, she's moving back to France, and we all ate thousands of selfdesigned Crêpes! So good, especially since we could put anything we wanted on them so it turned into an orgie of Crêpes and fillings! I brougt Kinder chocolate (yumm!) and Nutella and I wasn't the only one t think sweet so I ended up bringing home alot of Nutella again and now I'm looking for recepies with Nutella so that I can use it somehow. Maybe I'll make a Crêpes fiesta here at home ;)

onsdag 10 december 2008

Italy and France

As it turns out I will probably share room with the girls, G and C, at the wedding in Italy. Yeah, what a girlsweekend! We all, including the bride, got to know eachother in Barcelona learning Spanish and living la vida loca, a reunion will be awesome. Yay, I can't wait!

And just the thought of getting the reason for shopping for a superchique dress, just...just...just makes me jump! It's still a while until the wedding but it doesn't hurt to start thinking and planning a little bit. :)

Now I am off to a French Crêpe dinner, yummy!

tisdag 9 december 2008

Bossing around

Now I finally got myself a ticket back home for christmas. I had to pay full price for the first time, not with a student discount like before. I don't study enough this semester to get that privilige. It sucks getting older.

My boss turned up more or less unannounced at work today. We had heard the rumour but weren't 100 % sure. Suddenly there he was, with a big bag of Danish :) It was a rather calm and easy meet and greet, he was really on his way south and just stopped by the capital to visit us shortly. Luckily. Mean I know, but I don't like the feeling of having someone checking my work behind my back.

I had a long talk with D tonite, I needed it. It's nice to just unload to good friends sometimes when alot is going on and she understands me very well. She's an excellent amateur therapist ;)

måndag 8 december 2008

Ciao bella!

I haven't been on the blog for some days. I have waaaay too much to do right now and I am stressed. Stressed. Yep that's what I am. I have to write thesis, study for an exam and find a job. All this while also juggling my life. The little rest of it that is left when I don't do the first named things.

Today I got a very nice letter though. It made me see some light in this dark winter. In April I'm invited to my american friend's wedding in Italy! Can you imagine how cool?! I'm so excited, for them and for me who gets to be there. I will do everything I can to be there. The invitation says:

Transportation to and from Milan airports and your accomodation from 1-6 April, 2009 at Hotel ..., have been reserved.


lördag 6 december 2008


Heute ist Nikolaustag und ich bekomme GAR NICHTS! Ich will auch kleine Wihnachtsmänner aus Schokolade. ICH WILL ICH WILL ICH WILL!


I sure told you

Yeah that's right! I am grown up and I CAN eat breakfast at 1 pm if I want! Ha!

fredag 5 december 2008


Just back from work. This is the moment where I love my couch more than anything. More than once I have fallen into a sweet-hour-or-two-sleep, watching afternoon crap on TV and just...just... smile. And today it's Friday, the beginning of the weekend and maybe something fun will happen. :)

onsdag 3 december 2008


It's been a while since I payed my hairdresser a visit. Then, she helped me prolong my summerblond curls (not, but you get the point). Now, that summerblond is halfway out and I'm starting to look like a tiger. The thing to do is another makeover. But blond again, or BROWN?

Yeah, what do you think about that? I am a natural light brown head so it wouldn't be anything else but going back to the roots really. But it's been so long now and it feels a bit scary... I'm thinking as a transition a dark blond would be good, kinda like this.


Man kanske ofta beklagar sig över sin jobbsituation eller bara att man för tillfället har ett ganska trist och händelselöst liv. Men som gäralaus, som vi säger på jamska, blir man den bästa uppfinnaren. Jag lyssnar som bekant på mycket radio när jag jobba och inte mycket händer och idag har jag lämnat den vardagliga radiostreamen på P3 och lyssnat mig igenom en mängd "Sommar i P1" program från i somras.

En sådan lycka. Underhållande och informativt. Mest underhållande dock, då de flesta pratar om sitt liv. Men ett tips är att om du missat något Sommar-program i somras så kan du lyssna på dem igen via deras hemsida. Jag har av helt okänd anledning lyssnat på tre komikers prat (David Batra, Mickael Tornving, Pia Johansson) och en popstjärna (Annika Norlin), av vilka två kommer från mitt Östersund (Tornving och Norlin).

tisdag 2 december 2008

Ai ai ai

Man, so many things going on right now and not the good kind. I can't even go into it. Just think of me every once in a while folks.


måndag 1 december 2008


In ca zwei Wochen habe ich eine Übersetzungsklausur in Deutsch. Das wird echt nicht einfach. Ich kann schon einen Text mehr oder weinger korrekt übersetzen, aber es geht nicht nur darum. Man muss auch einen besonderen Stilistik haben, wenn es ein Fachtext ist muss ich auch Fachsprache benutzen (ja, ich bin überpädagogisch). Und manchmal kann man das gleiche mit mehreren Wörtern schreiben, aber sie passen nicht immer alle in dem Zusammenhang rein. Das muss ich dann beurteilen können. Glaubt ihr, ich schaffe das?

The Hills maraton

Jag har varit så uttråkad idag att jag haft The Hills-maraton. Då fick jag lite roligare. Lättroad var ordet. Seriemaratons är förresten jättebra när man har trist en helgdag eller kväll. Man slipper liksom det där "vänta tills nästa vecka". Ett tips bara.

Got nothin'

Yep, I had another day off, unwillingly. Days off can be cool, but that's when you know that there is something waiting for you the rest of the days. I am not so sure right now. These times of transition suck, they make me insecure and I feel stressed about nothing. I still haven't heard from the new comapny, only that "these things take time" and "we get back to you as soon as possible". Right.

I did do something productive though. I studied for the exam I have in a few weeks. It is an exam in translation so it isn't that easy to study for, I do execise translations. That'll do. There is really not much else I can do right now. I am broke out of my pants. Don't have a nickle over for fun. *Sigh* I'm not sure how I will survive this month. I just hope I can start that new job soon and make two salaries for next payday.

söndag 30 november 2008

1:a advent

Det här är kanske den mysigaste dagen på hela kyrkoåret, när kören sjunger vackra julsånger och man får en barnslig julkänsla för första gången på året. Så även idag. Jag har inte orkat julpynta än men ska väl ta och sätta upp en ljusstake och en stjärna i fönstret tänkte jag. Och tända lite ljus i mörkret. Mys mys på högsta nivå :) Sen tänkte jag gosa ner mig med filtar i soffan och kolla serieavsnitt!

lördag 29 november 2008

Gray day

Saturday. Weekend. Doesn't feel any different from Thrusday when I was off. The weather sucks and feel stressed like I have to do something even though I don't. I'm sitting on my bed with my laptop lisening to Lugna Favoriter, a swedish radiostation that playes "calm favourites". Not my favourites. But I'm not in the mood for anything fast, so calm it is.

I heard tomorrow is first of advent. I can't believe it, I mean, where the heck did November go?? If I should be stressed about something it should be just that, that time seems to dissappear without me doing anything I can remember. Sounds like I have a downer day but I don't think I do actually. I'm generally a happy person.

B told me more about her plans to go abroad. I love it, great great great idea, I am all for. But. Again the but. I want to too. Even more when I hear stuff like that. I tell myself that it's healthy to want thing even if you never get them. I am soooo healthy.

I should go make myself a nice big weekend lunch with a bit of everything that lies in my fridge. The little things we do to make the gray everyday a bit brighter.

fredag 28 november 2008


Jag suger på det här med julklappsinhandlande. Konstigt nog, eller hur? På något sätt kommer jag bara hem med saker till mig själv... I och för sig saker jag behöver, typ ansiktscreme, men ändå. Skärpning.

torsdag 27 november 2008

Hooked on a feeling

For almost a year, at least more than the last six months, I have been agonizing over the decision I had to make for my future - where to go and what to do??

The decision was never actually made but here I am, getting a new job (hopefully), planning at least for the first months of next year. But. There's always a but. Right then, when everything seems to be going somewhere in a somewhat right direction, I go and start missing my life on the road. Alot. I miss miss miss the exciting feeling of discovering, meeting new people and places, learning loads of new and unknown things and just be free! Man, I will never be cured from the Traveller's disease. I'm hooked on the highs and I just can't shake the feeling that I haven't seen enough yet.

Memories arise...

Harry's back

As the Harry Potter movie-fan I am, I'm extremely excited about the new and number 6 in the row of films - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Unfortunately I ahve to wait all until July next year...

Shoppin' again

I had a day of my very own today. I didn't have to work and I didn't have to study (or, the last I might have to but I can't at the moment, long story). So I did - absolutely nothing of importance. I slept long, a seldom seen habit of mine nowadays, I went to the city to do some shopping. That my friends is something I haven't - believe it or not - done in ages. Ok, I bought a skirt when I was home up north but we didn't spend much time in the city so it hardly counts. Anyway, today I let myself go in the sweet world of shopping. But, I ended up not getting much at all. I'm too grown up these days, always thinking about my tight budget and things I want but don't need and bla bla bla.

I did however find a fine pair of shoes that I had had my mind on for a while now. A low cut, black leather, no-heel shoe. Simple but genious. Like me. And on sale. And as tradition calls, I bought another lipgloss. So, I bought the two things I have the most of already, shoes and lipglosses.

As I found and bought the shoes, I had already bought a snazzy black top. Well, as you can guess, I couldn't keep both and I had to return the top. Oh well, I can be snazzy without it. And in my new shoes :)

This day ended with 50 minutes on the treadmill (yeah!) and a delicious dinner consisting of marinated meat and fresh vegetables and to top it off, a glas of fine swedish, icecold tapwater.

Casi lo tengo

El fin de semana en el norte con la familia fue buenísimo. Solo estar y no "tener que". Estaba con mi sobrina cuando podía, es una angelita. Fue unos dias tranquilos, lo que necesitaba.

Casi tengo un nuevo trabajo. Casi porque no tengo las últimas palabras - "lo tienes!" Espero que me respuestan pronto. Es un buen trabajo y necesito cambio. La vida sigue.

onsdag 26 november 2008


Igår var jag på spelkväll och spelade något som heter Qranium. Tror jag. Går ut på att man ska gestikulera, sjunga, klura och stava en massa grejer. Jag och B vann. Yay. Trots att jag inte kunde stava KRUMBUKTER baklänges.

Kom precis hem från H. Vi kollade på film, skönt, jag ville inte vara ensam ikväll och vi var båda på filmhumör. Vi delade problem också, sånt man gör ni vet. Imorgon kan jag ha en helt ledig dag. Beror på. Allt beror på. Jag får i alla fall tillfälle att sova någon stund längre.

Natti natt.

Rachel getting married

Friday is movieday! B celebrated her birthday last week and I wasn't here for that so this Friday we're hitting the Stockholm Filmfestival to see "Rachel getting married". I love the movies and especially the nontypical Hollywood productions. I think it will be good. Last year we saw "La zona", a mexican film.


Back in Estockolm. Not much more than that. Worked for two days already, off tomorrow and then work again. I've had a terrible headache since yesterday. I guess this is called life.

I treat myself with a song especially dedicated to me.

Bon Iver "For Emma"

måndag 24 november 2008

And the snow just keeps falling down

One of Sweden's best sides.


söndag 23 november 2008

Noch einen Tag :)

Was für ein Wochenende! Ich geniesse es so sehr hier im Norden zu sein, mir der Familie, Nichten und Neffen, alte Freunde wiederzusehen. Ich klinge wie eine 50-Jährige hahaha! Aber schön ist es und ich habe noch Morgen hier bevor ich wieder nach der Hauptstadt fahre. Ich will gar nicht zurück, weiss nicht warum ich mich so down fühle. Ich sehe meine Familie nicht sehr oft, wahrscheinlich mein eigener Fehler aber so ist es. Nächstes Mal wird zu Weihnachten.´Naja, nicht so lange.

Hier ist Winter, Schnee und kallt, in Stockholm hatten wir bis jetzt keinen Schnee (der am Boden geblieben ist). Seit Freitag angeblich schon. :) Ein Winter ohne Schnee ist kein Winter.

lördag 22 november 2008


I've gone north and I'm taking it easy with the good ol´ family. Later aligator.

torsdag 20 november 2008

En början

Jag hade en jobbintervju idag. Det har man inte särskilt ofta och det gick jättebra, hon som intervjuade mig var jättetrevlig och det var avspänd stämning. Vi får se hur det går men det verkade lovande. Dock är det bara ett deltidsjobb, men någonstans måste man ju börja. Jag skulle gärna börja något nytt och det känns som en superkul arbetsplats med många unga människor. Som det är nu sitter jag ju mest själv...

måndag 17 november 2008


I watched Baby Mama with the cool girls from Saturday Night Live. And it hit me. Not for the first time though.

The blond Amy Poehler looks JUST LIKE Beverly D'Angelo! You remember D'Angelo from for example the hilarious Chevy Chase movies "National Lampoon's Vacation" (Ett päron till farsa) and "National Lampoon's European Vacation" (Ett päron till farsa på semester i Europa).

Poehler and D'Angelo

Am I right or am I right? But nowhere to be found is the evidence of their family ties. I guess they are simply not related. But it sure looks like it. And they are both comedians. I'm just saying.