It's Wednesday and it's weekend, for me. I'm off aaaall until Monday. I'll be doing laundry, I'll try to work out a bit, stroll the streets of Stockholm, maybe bake something for my guests coming Friday... But the best thing is i don't have to have any plans, if I don't want to.
onsdag 25 november 2009
fredag 20 november 2009
November 20, 2009

I read the book (well the whole series) so naturally I want to see the movie. I love seeing how books turn out on the screen, even though they never reach the heights of the book. Today is the world premiere and I was thinking I'd go sometime next week amybe, when there will be tickets available. But, I'm planless tonight, so I took a look at the availability. And to my surprise, there were a few tickets left. I never would have thought. So I'm going, tonight, alone. I won't actually be alone though, as you can imagine. It'll be packed. So New moon premiere it is, tonight, November 20, 2009.
tisdag 17 november 2009
Trip to Kiel in pictures
Breakfast in B's kitchen
måndag 16 november 2009
How many times this year did I say this?

I'm home! Germany was loads of fun and I can't thank B enough :) More about that later though. I wanna show you some news in in my place, the best one probably the "trophy" I found this weekend at a flea market in Hamburg :) Only 5 EUR! I have yet to figure out where and most of all how to hang it. Other than these things I also bough some books (never to forget) to stock up my German litterature collection. And last week I clicked home some walldecos that arrived today, didn't they turn out fabulous?!
onsdag 11 november 2009
Tomorrow is the day I fly to Germany

Tomorrow I'm flying off to Germany once again. Oh how I like that place, strange, isn't it?! B seems to have a lot of fun stuff planned and we have a bunch of things to choose from. One of the things that I am mostly looking forward to is having a long and very tasty brunch :)
tisdag 10 november 2009
måndag 9 november 2009
Getting there

My home is slowly built up to be just that, a home. Today I got a curtain for the kitchen window, I think that makes it look way more homely. I like my place even though it isn't nearly ready yet. But I like it :) To top the day off, I made a zucchini casserole. Mighty proud of myself.
Es lebe Deutschland!

20 Years today! Ich wünschte ich könnte heute in Berlin sein und mit dem deutschen Volk diesen historischen Tag der Freiheit feiern! Hurra hurra hurra! Ich darf mindestens am Donnerstag nach Kiel fahren ;)
fredag 6 november 2009
torsdag 5 november 2009
Great buys
Oh I gotta show you some of my newest buys! First, the best buy of the winter 2009/2010: my Filippa K parka!

Love it! Really warm, like we need them up here in the north, and just faboulusly good looking. Second: a well needed clothing rack! Serves its purpose well of keeping clothes that don't fit in my closet (...).

Third: A cute little hallway piece in teak from the fifities. I found it on the net and bought it from a really nice little old lady that turned out to be from Germany. I like Germany, I said. So did her dead husband.
Reading, cooking, feeling

I don't update alot. But seriously, my life isn't that interesting. Pretty much like anybody else's. Ok, not that boring. Lat night I had C and K over for our first bookclub dinner, I made baked salmon with potatoes and mushroom sauce. I'm getting waaay better at this cooking thing and for the first time I actually kind of like it. So did they. K presented the next book and I've already bought it, it seems more than great: Kärlek: en betraktelse (Essays in love) by Alain de Botton.
Last weekend I got to go home and relax. A long weekend with a hurting arm. Yes, I got vaccinated for (well against actually) the swine flu. Not only was I about to burst into tears afterwards (which I didn't dare tell my mom) because I'm such a whimp when it comes to needled, blood and such but I had a very painful upper arm for the next tree days. But you should all still go take the shot people. They say it's worth it.
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