tisdag 30 juni 2009

Spending summer

These warm days just keep on passing. On Sunday night me and B went to enjoy Parkteatern (free theater in the park during summer). We caught the play "Figaros bröllop" (Figaro's wedding) on a blanket eating fresh strawberries among another 2000 people. Such a great ending of the week!

The day was spent with H and R on a cliff down at Brunnsviken. The sun so heavy we were mostly in the water, enjoying it like we were 5 again. Inbetween, each with a book, sleeping in the shade or having a snack of Prosciutto ham and melon...

måndag 29 juni 2009

And one for the fans


After work B helped me to finally choose glasses and I think I'm happy with the choice ;) It's hard picking something you will have to like every day. They kind of look like these ones, but it's not the exact ones. Anyway, after that we did the city sales and found this and that. I found this dress from French connection, on sale but still a tiny bit expensive. I still got it. Daring I am.

söndag 28 juni 2009

Now there are days that you never want to end


Little did I know that I was going sailing! S has a boat, that's all I knew, but a sailingboat!? Nope, didn't cross my mind. But that's what we were going to do and me and H had never saild before so we were up for an adventure. But man it was fun! An not as hard as you might think, S gave us clear instructions where to pull and where to duck, when to push and when to release. And we did it, we made it to an island in the archipelago and stayed for a while, eating, sunbathing and me and H had the first swim of the summer.

As the sun never sets in summer here it was still warm and sunny at 20:00 when we arrived back at port and we decided to have dinner together. So we went to S's new and awesome apartment on Södermalm (right in the neighbourhood where I wanna live!) and he cooked us an authentic italian dinner with appertivo, pasta and fresh fruit dessert. Rounding up we took off into the warm night and went to Debaser's outdoor hang out, one of the best ones in summer.

lördag 27 juni 2009

Oh sunny day!

Last night was picnic in a park with friends, kind of like an afterwork picnic I guess. It was great to hang out in the late sun and eat and talk, Sweden is the best in summer. It was all rounded up in J's new appartment where we all sunk down tired and satisfied in all corners of the livingroom.
Today is even better. I was laying on the grass enjoying the sun, relaxing, and now I'm off to go out on a boatride! A distant friend has a boat not far from here and we'll be some people going out "to sea" (true actually, just sounds a bit funny). Ah, how could I better spend a sunny day like this!

I hope that you all have a great and warm summer out there!

fredag 26 juni 2009


The king of pop is dead. Unreal somehow, maybe because he never seemed to be just that, real. Luckily we still have his amazing life's work. Forever.

torsdag 25 juni 2009

onsdag 24 juni 2009



Yesteday I moved. Not myself unfortunatly but I helped a friend get settled in his very nice new crib. Man I felt like taking that step myself. My own place. There's a thought I like. Well I haven't lived with my parents since around 10 years for real but I've always shared my home with others. For good and bad. But it's a tough mission finding an appartment, especially here in Stockholm. But I'll make it.

Today I came home, changed into something much smaller and headed for the lawn with a book. Amazing feeling. The sun makes you happy, just the thought of it does. How do I survive in the sundeprived country.

måndag 22 juni 2009


A better view

Sun! Yes, it sure is sun that I see outside my window. Outside you say, why don't I go outside then. I should, just after this. Right after work I went to try out some new glasses. I haven't bought new ones since like 6 years or more, I'm dying for a new cut, I never wanna wear that ones I have now. So, I got myself an appointment for tomorrow afternoon (why waste time right) and that'll be it I think, new glasses, new look ;) I'm thinking fat frame.

söndag 21 juni 2009

In summer

Sooooo, midsummer's over for 2009. I had a great long weekend with friends in Örebro, we got more sun than we thought and I only had to use my rain boots once ;). I just got back and afetr such a weekend with so much food I felt like taking my bike for a spin, but it looks like rain... I need to exercise, bigtime. This week is promising great weather so I hope I'll get my chance.

Midsummer is a big down in the summer, so now we're all in and I have some nice little plans to get me through these weeks of work. I'm already having a real nice summer.

torsdag 18 juni 2009

En fin avslutning på veckan

Ett av de sista mail jag tog emot på jobbet idag, innan jag gick på midsommarledighet, kom från en person som jag hjälpt med hennes bokning under dagen och som gjorde min dag :) :

Tack så mycket,
jag visste väl att det fanns änglar, du är garantert en.

onsdag 17 juni 2009

Yes I am!

Whopaaa! Just one more day of work and then Midsummer weekend!! I'm out of the city 'til Sunday and I will have fun, despite the weather. But just to be safe, I'm bringing rubber boots. I need this weekend and I'm worth it, yeah!

Glad midsommar y'all!

måndag 15 juni 2009

I need coffee coffee coffee

Me in a nutshell, everyday.

Boys boys boys

Three of my cousins have had babies in the last month - all boys! Congrats to all of them, I look forward to seeing them!


Good news - M is coming to visit from Berlin in July! :D i need things like this to help me get through this awfully stressful high season.

lördag 13 juni 2009

I'm Galadriel

Complete wast of time but still nerd-funny. Test what Sci-Fi fantsay character you are!

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

Possessing a rare combination of wisdom and humility, while serenely dominating your environment you selflessly use your powers to care for others. Even the smallest person can change the course of the future. Galadriel is a character in the Middle-Earth universe.

Literary questions

Found this questionnaire at Bokhora, a swedish booksite.

Last bought hardbound book: Tough one since I never buy hardbound books (not counting cook books and such here) so it must have been ages ago. Maybe Emma by Jane Austen.

Last bought paperback: Breaking dawn by Stephenie Meyer and The gravedigger's daughter by Joyce Carol Oates.

Favourite genre: Fiction, historical stories, chicklit (can I pick only one? ;) )

The ultimate lenght of a book: About 300 pages I'd say. Then there's enough room for a whole story and for you not to get hooked just when it ends. But right now I'm thanking heaven that my book is 560 pages since I don't want it (and with it the whole series) to end...

Favourite bookshop: Adlibris, Akademibokhandeln's pocketshop

Favourite library: Definitely not the Stockholm university library! Though I have rarely visited any libraries since I'v been studing, so I'm gonna say the library of my hometown, Östersunds stadsbibliotek, where I back in the days would spend time after school just sitting, reading, listening to music, looking at people and just take in the calm and quiet. I've always loved libraries, they're like havens in stressed times like these and they fascinate me with all the knowledge surrounding you just waiting to be read.

Favourite place to read at home: On my couch, with or without blanket, depending on the outside temperature, and with lots of pillows. I read alot in bed too but I try to keep off the bed since I want to leave that space for sleeping as much as possible.

Favourite place to read outside home: In a big armchair alone in a cosy dim café. Or, on a quiet beach somewhere in the warm south.

Five authors you always buy in hardbound format: Pretty much answered by the first question: since I really only buy paperbacks I don't have an author like that.

The best reading snack: Salty licorice or chips. Or any other type of unhealthy delight.

The best reading beverage: Coffe. Or tea. Or if I feel real sassy, a glas of red wine.

The best backgroundsound while reading: Music, whatever I'm in the mood for, I have loads of playlists that work wonders. But sometimes I like to just read in silence and listen to my own voice in my head, reading.

When during the day to you mostly prefer reading? Afternoon and evening.

Best hangover reading: Pretty much like all other times I guess, something that catches you and help you escape reality or a no-brainer of some kind.

Best public transportation reading: Fictional paperbacks. They fit perfectly in your bag and you can skip in and out without missing anything.

Move around

I don't even dare say how long I slept today... And I wasn't even up late! There's that stresspacked-week-catching-up. I'm having a great stress-free day now though, hanging out, cleaning up, pokin' around, doing necessary and completely unnessecary stuff. It's weekend at it's best. Let's see what the evening brings.

Manifestation in Como, May 30, 2009

The day we went to lake Como we ran into some kind of manifestation. Quite nice one actually, take a look yourself.

fredag 12 juni 2009

Welcome, oh sweet weekend

And so another weekend is here. But it started better than many others. First after work and dinner with H at Vapiano in Gamla stan, excellent restaurant might I say, then I caught a flick with B and some of her colleagues, "Easy virtue". Oh what a great movie! Just what we needed on a gray Friday night! Funny, good acting and with beautiful photography - see it!

torsdag 11 juni 2009

Partly cloudy

Impossibly cute, Pixar's bew short film "Partly cloudy". My friend I tipped me off and now I gotta show you all. I'm not allowed to embed it so click HERE and you'll be able to watch it via Youtube.

onsdag 10 juni 2009

A pretty regular Wednesday

I feel proud of myself, that's not every day. I didn't mind working today, we have shitty weather and the workload was a bit lighter. But there was one thing I had to do that just got forgotten. So tomorrow I'm expecting an angry call from 60+ woman... They're the worst, they think they're always right because they have "life experience" and I'm just the young girlie who has to do what she tell me to. Ah well, I'm getting used to thise calls after some years in the service business.

Whoa! Just got a call from the job agency (hold it people, no big shot job coming in) asking about my job situation. I was for the first time able to say I work fulltimea and it's not going to ne danytime soon. Felt good. I'd still like a more challenging job though. Oh the problems of the western world.

tisdag 9 juni 2009


Do I do anything but complain? Sometimes I have the feeling that's all I do. And here's another one - I think I'm getting sick. My throat has been hurting since the morning, only getting worse and since I left work I have that feverish feeling in my whole body. Ugh! I don't want to be sick, I can't be sick. The only only only thing that would be positive about that is that I could read aaaall day long. But only that and I'm not sure it's worth it. Hopefully this stays at complaints and I wake up healthy as a horse (?) tomorrow.

måndag 8 juni 2009

Family weekend

I had a great but quite exhausting weekend with my mom, sister and two of her kids, 5 years and 9 months. We were out and about and fell asleep early at night. We needed it, the baby wakes up around 6 am... When they all left yesterday afternoon, I took off to the hughe vintage shop by Åhléns. Always a hit. I found a perfectly worn out guys t-shirt and some supecute black heels that I probably won't be able to wear, but I like the thought ;)

söndag 7 juni 2009


Muse is a favourite and I can't get enough right now. It's one of those things I guess. Fits my mood, fits me. I wanna stay there, we'll see how long. Maybe forever. At least for a long long time.

fredag 5 juni 2009

New moon

The second movie made from the second book in the series can be seen in November, but now the trailer is here.

tisdag 2 juni 2009

Not alone

The week has started off hectic. Work is more than I can handle right now but at least me and H work together every day now. I feel like I have no time to relax, but of course it's not for bad reasons. Like today, when I had a quick coffee date with L after work before I went to S's. I get alot done at the cost of not ever being alone. Except for now. Now I only have two days to go and then my sister, two of her kids and my mom will be here for the weekend - can't wait!

måndag 1 juni 2009

Milano weekend in pictures

I made them small to fit mote, click to see larger.