Found this questionnaire at Bokhora, a swedish booksite.
Last bought hardbound book: Tough one since I never buy hardbound books (not counting cook books and such here) so it must have been ages ago. Maybe Emma by Jane Austen.
Last bought paperback: Breaking dawn by Stephenie Meyer and The gravedigger's daughter by Joyce Carol Oates.
Favourite genre: Fiction, historical stories, chicklit (can I pick only one? ;) )
The ultimate lenght of a book: About 300 pages I'd say. Then there's enough room for a whole story and for you not to get hooked just when it ends. But right now I'm thanking heaven that my book is 560 pages since I don't want it (and with it the whole series) to end...
Favourite library: Definitely not the Stockholm university library! Though I have rarely visited any libraries since I'v been studing, so I'm gonna say the library of my hometown, Östersunds stadsbibliotek, where I back in the days would spend time after school just sitting, reading, listening to music, looking at people and just take in the calm and quiet. I've always loved libraries, they're like havens in stressed times like these and they fascinate me with all the knowledge surrounding you just waiting to be read.
Favourite place to read at home: On my couch, with or without blanket, depending on the outside temperature, and with lots of pillows. I read alot in bed too but I try to keep off the bed since I want to leave that space for sleeping as much as possible.
Favourite place to read outside home: In a big armchair alone in a cosy dim café. Or, on a quiet beach somewhere in the warm south.
Five authors you always buy in hardbound format: Pretty much answered by the first question: since I really only buy paperbacks I don't have an author like that.
The best reading snack: Salty licorice or chips. Or any other type of unhealthy delight.
The best reading beverage: Coffe. Or tea. Or if I feel real sassy, a glas of red wine.
The best backgroundsound while reading: Music, whatever I'm in the mood for, I have loads of playlists that work wonders. But sometimes I like to just read in silence and listen to my own voice in my head, reading.
When during the day to you mostly prefer reading? Afternoon and evening.
Best hangover reading: Pretty much like all other times I guess, something that catches you and help you escape reality or a no-brainer of some kind.
Best public transportation reading: Fictional paperbacks. They fit perfectly in your bag and you can skip in and out without missing anything.
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