I don't update alot. But seriously, my life isn't that interesting. Pretty much like anybody else's. Ok, not that boring. Lat night I had C and K over for our first bookclub dinner, I made baked salmon with potatoes and mushroom sauce. I'm getting waaay better at this cooking thing and for the first time I actually kind of like it. So did they. K presented the next book and I've already bought it, it seems more than great: Kärlek: en betraktelse (Essays in love) by Alain de Botton.
Last weekend I got to go home and relax. A long weekend with a hurting arm. Yes, I got vaccinated for (well against actually) the swine flu. Not only was I about to burst into tears afterwards (which I didn't dare tell my mom) because I'm such a whimp when it comes to needled, blood and such but I had a very painful upper arm for the next tree days. But you should all still go take the shot people. They say it's worth it.
2 kommentarer:
boken är utmärkt, läste den för något år sedan.
och det där vaccinet var ingen dans på rosor. Inga tårar hos varken mig el barnen när de stack, men däremot krämpor efteråt. Igår var vi däckade alla tre. Feber och huvudvärk. Och inatt sov jag typ två timmar, pga värk i huvud och kropp:-)
ja jag kanske kom lindrigt undan då :), men ont gjorde det. hoppas ni slipper vara sjuka länge, det lär ju vara bättre än den riktiga flunsan i alla fall.
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