tisdag 29 september 2009


Man it was cold this morning! The fall is definitely here to stay this time and I think I might have to switch to a warmer jacket. In times like these, when I have to get up in the dark morning at 06:30 and it is COLD, both inside and outside, then I dream of the lovely warm summer. That's what keeps you going through the long winter, the memories of the last one and the knowledge of the next one coming.

I am down on my last week in my current home. I can't wait to get out and even more to move into the new one. It's gonna be great, fabulous even. Come see me there soon!

måndag 28 september 2009

The lovely bones

I just read this book and considering that it was real good I have high expectations for the movie. It's always great to see how they portray the characters.

UPDATE I had to remove the video as it turned on EVERY time you came onto my page. Use this link to watch it: http://se.filmtrailer.com/cinema/search-30/?q=flickan+fr%C3%A5n+ovan

onsdag 23 september 2009

Tourettes light

Måste bara berätta, sitter på jobbet och lyssnar som vanligt på P3. I programmet Christer har de idag ett tema som de kallar "Tourettes light" där folk får ringa in och berätta om konstiga felsägningar och grodor de gjort. En tjej mailade att en kompis en gång sa "Om det finns plats i hjärtat så finns det plats i stjärten" fast hon naturligtvis menade "Finns det hjärterum så finns det stjärterum"... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA jag dööör!!

måndag 21 september 2009

Retro weekend

A calm weekend for me. I spent it roaming second hand shops for original furniture with a history. I found some great pieces but not all were affordable. But I did buy a couch table, a great little brown piece with a history since sometime in the 50's. It's worn down just the way I wanted it. Furniture like this were gone pretty fast, I literally saw them disappear. Especially young people like myself buy them, I guess I'm not that original. Nonetheless, I love my new table and it'll fit in just great. I also found a nice wooden cross and of course, do I have to say it? Books! For example one that my sister just recommended, what are the odds.

A new week is on and starts with dinner at my cousin C's, lovely!

fredag 18 september 2009

Para no olvidar este idioma tan guapa

I am taking a course in Spanish this semester, an internet course via Lund University. I have wanted to to this ever since I came back from Barcelona but have either not had time or the money (to take one of those that cost you, this one doesn't - LOVE the swedish education system!). I am way excited and have already read most of the texts and gonna begin the first book soon, "Como agua para chocolate", also a famous movie (from the 80's?) that I remember watching in Spanish class in High school. I just love to get into this beautiful language for real again and to my relief I am doing pretty well. I had feared I had forgot too much. En quatro meses espero saber mucho más de esa lengua bonita y de las culturas hispánicas!

torsdag 17 september 2009

I want to live there

Tomorrow I'm getting the keys to my new place :) It's getting closer and I'm realizing it more and more. That not only being pleasant. I have to start packing, which means I have to live with boxes, *uff*... But it also means planning. I have som many ideas, the only problem will be how to icorporate them and to match it all. I'm much about natural colors but a mix with brighter more bold colors can be real cool too, like a bright pink with brown. I'd like to start buing stuff already but I know it's better to wait and see what I'll be needing and what I want it to look like. It will be great to have a place to spread out my full mind in.

onsdag 16 september 2009


A girl walked by mw yesterday, talking on her cellphone: "...and I killed him...".

That's all I heard. What then?? I didn't want anything more right then than to know how that sentance finished.

söndag 13 september 2009

Living again

Going back to normal life. After a powerwalk I met up with H in the city and we had dinner and got to cath up about the summer. After that we strolled alon Västerlånggatan in Gamla stan and met a mexican guy on a Europe-roundtrip. He wanted to meet us tomorrow but we said no. Rude but we didn't feel like it and he wasn't even interesting. Then we made an excuse to get going and went to have tea and dessert. I think it won't be that bad to start working tomorrow after all.


I forced myself up in almost normal time today. I gotta be fit for work tomorrrow. I doubt I will be, but what choice do I have. Ever since I lived in The States I haven't had any real urge to go back there. I've still loved to travel but I've kept to other parts of the world. I guess I kinda just felt I had got enough for a while. But in the last year and a half or so I've started thinking about it again, about all the memories, people, sights, places, smells and tastes. I felt like going back again. So when A asked me to come with her to NY there was really only one option. And it's NY! You are crazy if you say no to that ;) It was an amazing forever-to-remember experience and I hope to go back some day, sooner or later. But, now I am stuck with this US-feeling, triggered by all those memories that were awakened. I can't quite put my finger on it, I wanna be there but at the same time not. There's one to figure out. If I was rich enough to be able to go whenever I wanted that would be ideal. But I'm not, so I'm gonna have to plan a new biggie. Hopefully soon.

lördag 12 september 2009

I'm moving in

I haven't outed it yet - I'm moving! Yes, I finally found an appartment, and a great one I might add :) A good size 2-roomer just for me, even a balcony! I'm overly excited and in just three weeks I get to move in. Except packing down my life, these three weeks will be spent planning how to decorate and arrange my new home. It's a tricky task as I'm not sure how everything will fit and match. But it's great fun to think about and also to figure out what new pieces I need to get. Like a couch - colour? size? shape? feeling? comfort?


I survived the trip back home, alone. I was fearing hours of boredom but it turned out to be one of the easiest travels I've done so far. I got to sit next to a really nice girl from Israel and we ended up talking for hours and she even taught me some Hebrew :) We watched "Bride wars", had dinner and then, I slept, all the trip. Nili (Israeli girl) woke me up when we were served breakfast. Well, that was that, I arrived in Brussels in just enough time to board my next flight to Stockholm. I slept the ENTIRE filght.

At 11:15 I landed and all I wanted to do was sleep. But, I fought the weariness and kept myself awake long enough to see Idol on TV4 in the night. Love the first episodes of the season. Today I woke up at 13:00. And I just wanted to keep sleeping, I couldn't believe I was still tired! This weekend will be spent adjusting to the right timezone. And to not being able to just take the subway down to Broadway for some shopping.

fredag 11 september 2009

New York in pictures (in mixed order)

The Apple store outside and inside

My second visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Andy Warhol.

A quick visit at the New York Public Library

Our second hostel, in Brooklyn

Statue that formerly stood in the Word Trade Center square, damaged at the top

Ready for a night out!

Pedicure (and eventually also manicure :)

Empire state bilding

Nate at Times Square

Swedish lingon soda

At AQ Kafé

Outside the Metropolitan Museum of Art

United Nations

Exhibition inside the UN

Grand central station

On top of the Rock! (Rockefeller building)

Along Broadway

Central Park

Breakfast in Central Park

View in Central Park

On our way to NY, everybody has their own TV screen and can choose what to watch

Upper West Side

Central Park

Strawberry Fields; John Lennon memorial

Outside Trump's place

Late Show with David Letterman

View of Empire State from Rockefeller

View of Central Park and NY

Grand central station

Times Square

Sushi! (first of 2 times this week)

From the Staten Island ferry, Statue of Liberty

NY skyline

Ground Zero

Times Square by night

Funny homeless guy on Times Square (of course we gave him something)

We went on the subway ALOT

Ground Zero

We had lots of coffee, here at Dean&Deluca (remember, L??)

A visit to Wall street

On the Brooklyn Bridge!

At the movies where we saw Inglourious Basterds

Puppies for sale

Shopping of course!

Wine and loads of talking at the Gray Dog in Soho

Inside the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We saw lots of great things.

Shooting of the new Sex and the City movie!