I survived the trip back home, alone. I was fearing hours of boredom but it turned out to be one of the easiest travels I've done so far. I got to sit next to a really nice girl from Israel and we ended up talking for hours and she even taught me some Hebrew :) We watched "Bride wars", had dinner and then, I slept, all the trip. Nili (Israeli girl) woke me up when we were served breakfast. Well, that was that, I arrived in Brussels in just enough time to board my next flight to Stockholm. I slept the ENTIRE filght.
At 11:15 I landed and all I wanted to do was sleep. But, I fought the weariness and kept myself awake long enough to see Idol on TV4 in the night. Love the first episodes of the season. Today I woke up at 13:00. And I just wanted to keep sleeping, I couldn't believe I was still tired! This weekend will be spent adjusting to the right timezone. And to not being able to just take the subway down to Broadway for some shopping.
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