The Apple store outside and inside

My second visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Andy Warhol.

A quick visit at the New York Public Library

Our second hostel, in Brooklyn

Statue that formerly stood in the Word Trade Center square, damaged at the top

Ready for a night out!

Pedicure (and eventually also manicure :)

Empire state bilding

Nate at Times Square

Swedish lingon soda

At AQ Kafé

Outside the Metropolitan Museum of Art

United Nations

Exhibition inside the UN

Grand central station

On top of the Rock! (Rockefeller building)

Along Broadway

Central Park

Breakfast in Central Park

View in Central Park

On our way to NY, everybody has their own TV screen and can choose what to watch

Upper West Side

Central Park

Strawberry Fields; John Lennon memorial

Outside Trump's place

Late Show with David Letterman

View of Empire State from Rockefeller

View of Central Park and NY

Grand central station

Times Square

Sushi! (first of 2 times this week)

From the Staten Island ferry, Statue of Liberty

NY skyline

Ground Zero

Times Square by night

Funny homeless guy on Times Square (of course we gave him something)

We went on the subway ALOT

Ground Zero

We had lots of coffee, here at Dean&Deluca (remember, L??)

A visit to Wall street

On the Brooklyn Bridge!

At the movies where we saw Inglourious Basterds

Puppies for sale

Shopping of course!

Wine and loads of talking at the Gray Dog in Soho

Inside the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We saw lots of great things.
2 kommentarer:
Wow Emma! I like! Kram
Men sååå lllläckerrrt!!!
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